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Writer's pictureVaporcrave

What Can Cannabis Be Used For?

Cannabis is known as an adaptogen, which always goes along with multitude of health benefits, as the substance tends to essentially do what is needed rather than fixed effects that are ever present. Some conditions aided by cannabis are arthritis, chronic pains, migraines, seizures, lack of appetite, fibromyalgia, sciatica, muscular soreness and fatigue, neuropathy, hydrocephalus, cervical dystonia, cerebal palsy, and many, many more. Additionally, it can dramatically help in brain related conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, autism, anorexia and other eating disorders, insomnia and is one of the few substances that many claim saved them from drug addiction. In every native culture where cannabis grows, it is considered a sacred plant for its medical properties than are impossible to argue with. Consider the testimony of Dylan Bales, a 17 year old student experiencing headaches after shunt revision for his hydrocephalus, was taking upwards of 3000mg a day of ibuprofen, a toxic over the counter substance, when he switched to cannabis, he was able to stop taking it immediately and only use cannabis for pain relief, and experienced zero headaches relating to hydrocephalus. The beauty of cannabis is that is typically targets the source of the ailment by one or more cannabinoids attaching themselves to cannabinoid receptors in the brain or parts of the body where they are needed, such as THC attaching itself to quickly producing tumor cells, slowing overall growth of cancerous cells. It is no wonder why cannabis was made illegal when you consider the amount of money made from over the counter and prescription drugs.

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